What is flatbed wrecker truck
Flatbed wrecker truck, also called a tow truck, a breakdown truck, recovery vehicle or a breakdown lorry. Flatbed wrecker truck is mainly used for road fault vehicles, urban illegal vehicles, and emergency rescue. This may involve recovering a vehicle damaged in an accident, returning one to a drivable surface in a mishap or inclement weather, or towing or transporting one via flatbed to a repair shop or other location.
The flatbed wrecker truck is mainly composed of a gear oil pump, a power take-off, a lubricating oil cylinder, an oil filter, valve, a hydraulic winch, a hydraulic lock, a balance valve, and a drag chain. Flatbed wrecker truck is distinct from a motor carrier that moves multiple new or used vehicles simultaneously in routine transport operations. The core component is the engine. The engine has a good horsepower and is comfortable to use. On the contrary, it is more laborious to use. At the same time, the gearbox cannot be ignored! The gearbox is to help the engine perform its best performance, is used to coordinate the engine's speed and the actual speed of the wheel. The flatbed wrecker truck uses the Chaochai engine and has a horsepower of 120. It has good performance and the emission standard is Euro 2. Dongfeng Chaochai Engine is a well-known brand in China and its quality is guaranteed. At the same time, it uses a 5-speed gearbox with a reverse gear to meet the general road driving needs.
Flatbed wrecker trucks series