Cement tank trailers details
The pipeline is sent to the air chamber in the lower part of the sealed tank so that the cement in the fluidized bed is suspended into a fluid state, and when the pressure in the tank reaches the amount.
When the value is fixed, the discharge butterfly valve is opened, and the fluidized cement is transported through the pipeline. Made with domestic advanced technology, the design is novel, sturdy and durable. The airbag type has a large carrying capacity, and the discharging speed is fast and the residual amount is small. The integrated synthetic tank has the characteristics of high overall strength, good rigidity, good pressure bearing, and good performance.
The fluidized bed in the tank has a scientific design and reasonable layout. It can effectively shorten the discharge time to 1.4T/min, improve the volume utilization of the tank, reduce the residual ash rate, and the residual ash rate is 0.2%. The powder material transporter tank adopts double cone inner tilting horizontal structure, double pipe air intake, and double cylinder feeding, and its discharging speed and residual rate are in line with industry standard requirements.